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HealthCare Academy (HCA) Interest Form

Looking to break into the healthcare industry?

HCA helps individuals get the skills they need to get back to work.

From the exploratory healthcare learner to the well-versed medical professionals looking to gain a competitive edge, HCA offers skills training and services you need to land a career in Healthcare.

Before beginning, we highly recommend reviewing the FAQ page!

Through HCA, you can access:
  • Technical skills training
  • Job readiness workshops
  • Career coaching
  • Internship and job placement assistance
  • Networking events and opportunities
  • Career and skill assessment
This interest form will ask you to provide personal information. All information will be used only in determining what services might best serve your career as well as what potential training you might qualify for.

We encourage you to contact the HCA staff at HealthcareJVS@jvs.org with any questions or concerns.

We look forward to working with you!

Contact Information

Please provide the following information.

i.e., (415) 391-3600

Referral Information

Demographics and Applicant Info

[Hidden] Calculation for SaFo

To select multiple items in the list, hold down the Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) key. Then click on your desired items to select. All of the items you have selected should be highlighted with a different-colored background.


i.e., 94104

HCA Questions

If you are not receiving training or employment support services from another agency, please do not have additional agencies checked above.

HCA Services

Internship and job placement assistance: Receive access to career support groups and focused one-on-one access to a career coach who will aid you in identifying your barriers, setting your goals, reviewing your cover letter and resume, and conducting mock interviews, while providing you with applicable job leads. This service also includes the opportunity to attend networking events and on-going soft skills workshops to help build your presentation and networking skills.

Job search guidance: Gain access to on-going soft-skills workshops, networking events, and the potential opportunity to receive further skills and career assessments.

Technical Training: Hone your existing technical skills through advanced technical training while building your career search skills with an expert's feedback.

End of Application